We would like to provide the finest commercial, industrial and residential design services in the world.
Office Complex in Hong Kong.
National award-winning Theatre and Culture Complex.
The Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The planning of the 29 hectare Nan Tong Olympic Oasis Park.
Nan Tong Olympic Oasis Park - Sports Centre is an international competition project.
In 2004 our design won the Best Sport Facility Prize in China and was published in one of the leading magazines.
The National Library of China in Beijing is the second largest library in the world.
A hotel in Hai Nan province, China.
World Trading Centre in Chenzhen. It is the first high rise building in this city.
Jia Da Foreign Finance Centre in Hong Kong
World Trade Centre in Shenzhen, China
Yang Yun as a joint architect with Russian architect did the land mark project in Beijing - Beijing Exhibition Centre which including display hall, theatre, Russian restaurant, and other facilities.